
Luminatii floor screen shines in the closing ceremony of the Asian Para Games, interpretation of shocking visual effects with technology

On October 28, the closing ceremony of the 4th Asian Para Games was held in Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. The closing ceremony of this year's Asian Para Games was held under the theme of "Ride the Dream and Fly Together Again", with the three chapters of "Farewell Tonight", "Tea for the Journey", "The Most Memorable Thing About Hangzhou", and the three short films of "You're the Most Wonderful", "Tea for the Journey", and "You're the Most Unforgettable", which demonstrated Hangzhou's memories, China's heart, and the friendship of Asia with the keywords of ritual, rhyme, and emotion. Chinese traditional culture passed on the flame, and modern technology shone on the scene to create a peak, the Fourth Asian Para Games presented a closing ceremony in an unprecedentedly beautiful way. As the designated supplier of LED screen for the closing ceremony of the Asian Para Games, Luminatii, under the leadership of Sha Xiaolan, the chief director and the creative team, utilized high-tech LED screen products such as mesh screen and floor screen to create shocking visual effects, and integrated the power of science and technology with the beauty of art, which once again amazed the world.
Luminatii floor screen shines in the closing ceremony of the Asian Para Games, interpretation of shocking visual effects with technology.